Design resume

Design resume

A free design resume template to make an unforgettable first impression on your potential employer.


Graphic Designer resumes help you make a great first impression on your potential employer or client.

The correctly crafted resume will ensure you relevant design projects where you can grow, develop new skills, and find innovative solutions. It helps you find clients who are aligned with your vision and approach to work, minimizing the time you spend making amendments afterward.

A graphic design resume template is a quick way to highlight the outcomes you have achieved and demonstrate to potential employers why you would be a valuable addition to their team.

There are many tricks and tips on how to create an effective and attractive resume for a graphic designer or any other kind of designer. Matching them with a ready-to-go xTiles Design Resume Template will help exhibit your design abilities from the best possible angle with little or no effort.

Additionally, we offer you a resume design example to show you the possible result and guide you through the creation process.

What is a resume design?

A resume (you may also know it as a CV or Curriculum Vitae if you’re outside of the US) is a formal document where an individual presents a comprehensive summary of their professional qualifications. It encapsulates relevant work experience, skills, education, and noteworthy achievements, providing employers with a snapshot of a candidate’s capabilities and helping to decide whether the person is qualified enough for their job offering.

Today, applying for a job without a resume is impossible. You will get lost in a stream of other candidates with resumes and portfolios. It’s a vital tool to showcase your qualifications and enhance your chances of being considered for the position. When crafted according to your professional capacities and the company’s offering, it effectively demonstrates your abilities, proving to employers that you possess the necessary qualifications and are a fitting candidate for the role.

Graphic resume design, web design resume, game design resume, UX design resume, etc., all serve the same purpose. They help individuals effectively communicate their skill set, expertise, and accomplishments, proving that they are qualified for the job. 

Quick tip for those who decided to move to Europe: in Europe, the term “CV” is commonly used to refer to what Americans typically call a “resume.” Therefore, when applying for jobs in Europe, you may easily utilize your existing US resume by simply renaming the file as “[Name] CV.” This straightforward adjustment ensures that your application aligns with the terminology and expectations prevalent in European hiring practices.

When do I need a resume design?

Consider your resume as a strategic marketing tool that effectively promotes your skills and qualifications, aiming to persuade employers that you are the ideal candidate. While your portfolio beautifully showcases your design prowess, your resume serves the purpose of articulating the tangible outcomes of your work. It showcases your training, experience, and ability to deliver impactful results.

Remember, your graphic designer resume should not be an exhaustive compilation of every task you’ve undertaken. Instead, it should provide a concise snapshot of your most noteworthy accomplishments. Concentrate on highlighting how your graphic design expertise can contribute to the company’s objectives and aspirations. By focusing on the value you can bring, your resume becomes a persuasive document that captures the attention of potential employers.

Art directors and marketing managers highly value well-designed and visually appealing designer resumes. People who are looking for an interior designer to make their premises look outstanding value representative interior design resume as well. No matter in which design field you operate, you need to have a resume to communicate your skills and visions quickly. Otherwise, you risk getting clients with totally different ideas, which will lead to misunderstandings and stress for both of you.

A resume for a designer increases the chances of being understood and appreciated for what you do. That’s why it is crucial to customize your resume according to the specific job you are seeking and your graphic design skills, experiences, and previous accomplishments. 

If the content of your resume is mostly for a hiring manager or a person who conducts the first screening, its appearance and visual components are for other designers or people who know something about good design.  A thoughtfully crafted resume has a higher chance of capturing their attention and making a strong impression on your potential client or employer.

Design resume templates

By incorporating design principles and demonstrating your typography skills, you can create a visually appealing and engaging resume that captures the attention of art directors and marketing managers. However, when you need to make a couple of them, it becomes challenging. That’s where ready-to-use templates come in handy. They are already designed according to the main principles of design, so you don’t have to worry about that. 

For example, the xTiles Design Resume Template is made by professional designers according to the most important design principles and rules.

  1. White Space

White space is an inevitable element of any modern resume design. It effectively provides visual clarity and gives the reader’s eyes a rest. A well-balanced use of white space creates a clean and organized appearance, making it easier for employers to navigate your resume.

  1. Legible Fonts

They ensure easy readability. The xTiles Design Resume Template offers clear and professional typefaces, enhancing your resume’s overall readability. It also avoids overly decorative or elaborate fonts that may hinder comprehension.

  1. Typography Expertise

As a graphic designer, your knowledge of typography should shine through in your resume. However, how can you demonstrate that if you’re limited in time? The Template helps you to showcase your understanding of different typefaces, font pairings, and typographic hierarchies. It also helps to demonstrate your ability to create visually engaging and harmonious layouts through effective typography.

  1. Fancy Fonts

It allows using fancy fonts in headings, titles, or specific sections to make them stand out and create visual interest. It helps to strike a balance between creativity and readability to maintain a professional appearance.

How to create a graphic design resume using the xTiles template?

While the content in your design resume is significant, hiring managers also evaluate how you present that content. A clean and visually appealing resume with a minimalistic approach is always a perfect decision that won’t steal attention from you and the artwork you included. 

The xTiles Design Resume Template is built according to that principle. It offers you a simple yet sophisticated structure to present you as a professional in the best possible way. You don’t have to worry about fonts, colors, and white space for easy readability because everything has already been handled.

Planning and preparation

  1. Conduct thorough research

Take the time to delve into the company’s realm by familiarizing yourself with its work, mission, values, and challenges. Explore their website, social media platforms, and search for relevant news or articles about the organization.

Your resume should match their needs. That’s why ready-to-use design resume templates are so useful. When applying for a couple of positions, you can quickly tailor a needed number of documents for every company. 

  1. Analyze the job posting

Pay close attention to the specific requirements outlined in the job posting. Identify key skills and qualifications mentioned, and incorporate them into your resume. Some companies use resume-screening software. A resume without relevant keywords, even if you’re the best candidate, might not make it through the initial screening stage.

  1. Curate your most applicable work

Although you may possess an endless portfolio and a vast array of skills, it is crucial to select the most relevant details to answer the company’s exact offer. For instance, if the company seeks someone with branding experience, emphasize your accomplishments in creating impactful and cohesive brand assets.

However, it’s important to keep the document manageable. Don’t add all your previous artwork to the resume. Instead, you may include a hyperlink to your portfolio, enabling employers to explore a more extensive collection of your work.

Crafting your design resume

  1. Personalize your resume

Create a unique resume tailored to each Graphic Designer position you apply for. While a generic resume may seem convenient, customizing your resume helps you stand out from the competition and represent the needed skills and experience each time.

  1. Keep it concise

Focus on providing relevant and impactful information rather than attempting to include every detail. Hiring managers deal with dozens and dozens of resumes every day, so you have only a few seconds to attract them with your document. Use that time to the maximum and provide all the important information about yourself in a brief way. 

Usually, a one-page resume is enough, even for individuals with years of experience and projects under their belt.

  1. Maintain organization

Prioritize readability. Once again, the time a hiring manager can spend reading your resume is limited. They will need to find out that you’re the best match for their position very quickly and not on the third page of your resume. 

You can reach that effect by using clear headings, well-defined sections, and bullet points to structure your content. A well-organized resume will make it easier to navigate and grasp your qualifications in a moment.

Additionally, you never know who will check your design resume during the initial screening process, so you need to ensure that its content is easy to understand for anyone.

  1. Utilize dynamic action verbs

You’re a designer, and creating great visuals is your best skill. However, to get the desired position, you sometimes need to go beyond and over. 

Emphasize your achievements through powerful action verbs. If you have never done something like that before, you may find many examples of action words for resumes on the internet. For example, such verbs as spearheaded, informed, evaluated, advised, conceptualized, trained, focused, individualized, enhanced, shaped, etc., may add strength and impact to your accomplishments.

  1. Demonstrate your skills

Instead of merely stating your abilities, showcase them through tangible evidence. That will speak louder than any descriptions of your previous work. 

Share your past design projects and include links to your work.

  1. Craft accomplishment statements

When listing your professional experiences, create accomplishment statements to provide maximum data in a short, consistent manner. The best formula for your statements is verb + task + result. This structure highlights your contributions and outcomes in a concise and impactful manner.

Reviewing and editing your design resume

  1. Take a fresh perspective

Once you’ve completed the initial draft, give yourself some time away from it, whether a few hours or even a day. The approach you usually take with your work will be good. When you return to review it, you’ll have a clearer mindset and can identify any necessary changes or edits.

Check whether all elements and details of your resume are organized according to one system. Check whether there are no strange compilations of fonts or sizes, which might be very eloquent for a design resume.

  1. Seek a second opinion

It’s beneficial to have a trusted friend, colleague, or mentor review your resume. They can provide valuable feedback on readability and identify any spelling or grammar errors that you might have missed.

If you don’t yet have a fellow designer to show them your resume, just show them the person you trust no matter what industry they work in. People’s eyes usually can perceive small details though designers are better trained and can explain what is wrong and what needs to be improved.

  1. Thoroughly proofread

Before submitting your resume, run a spelling and grammar check. Additionally, you may read your resume aloud to catch any awkward phrasing or other mistakes. That’s a great method many writers use to detect mistakes and strange wording constructions. 

Diligent proofreading is crucial, as resumes with excessive errors may be dismissed immediately. If you’re not sure about your proofreading skills, you may use an application that does it for you. However, be ready that you still will need to read the text after the application finishes correcting or suggesting corrections because none of them is 100% precise, at least yet.

What to include in a designer resume?

You may want to share as many facts about you as possible to persuade the person responsible for hiring new personnel to hire you. However, usually, such an approach brings the opposite results, and you get nothing. Your resume has to be about balance and harmony.

Here are the basic chapters for any design resume which are enough to make people believe you are a great match for their position:

  1. Profile

Grab the hiring manager’s attention and everyone who will read your resume with a captivating profile or summary. Usually, two to four sentences to highlight why you are the best candidate for the position is more than enough. The point is, hiring managers don’t have time to read more during the pre-screening stage. 

Don’t forget to include your key skills, notable achievements, and what you bring to the company. Remember to be humble but confident throughout the whole document.

  1. Experience

Present your relevant professional experience, yet make sure you list them in reverse chronological order. The oldest work is down on the list, and the newest one in the top. 

Include your job title, employer, start and end dates, and location. Craft two to three bullet points for each experience, focusing on your accomplishments rather than just responsibilities. That is the best place to use the active verbs we discussed earlier.

  1. Education

Provide the name of the institution, degree or certification earned, and start and end dates of your training. 

Those who have only recently graduated from a graphic design program and have limited work experience can highlight their educational achievements and relevant projects.

Be ready that the graphic design student’s resume will contain only fewer points in each category. If you’re a novice designer, you need to attract potential employers by your willingness to work hard and develop new skills or by a specific vision and approach no one else has.

  1. Skills and Tools

List your primary technical skills, including the tools and software you are proficient in. Ensure that the skills you highlight align with those mentioned in the job posting.

Here are some basic designer skills you may include or consider including depending on your desired position: Adobe Creative Suite, User Experience (UX) Design, Knowledge of HTML, CSS, Branding and Identity, UI Design, Composition, Color Theory, etc.

Also, remember that your soft skills are important too. Don’t forget that you’re a team player who is great at communicating with others.

  1. Awards/Activities/Other

Include additional sections as necessary to showcase your awards, activities, or involvement in professional organizations. That’s how you can demonstrate your passion for design.

  1. Portfolio

Remember to include a link to your digital portfolio and incorporate specific project links throughout your resume for easy access to your work samples. Your portfolio and your resume should work together. None of it should take all the attention. 

If it’s your first time crafting a portfolio, you may use the xTiles Designer Portfolio Template and the guide we presented.

A design resume is the simplest way to make a great impression on potential clients or employers. And wasting such an opportunity is a crime in the professional world, especially when there are ready-to-use resume templates.

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  • How to design a resume template?

    Determine the essential information to include and organize it in a clear and visually appealing manner. Choose a font and color scheme that is easy to read and professional. Consider incorporating graphics or icons to enhance the design, but make sure they do not distract from the content. Test the readability and usability of your template with different devices and platforms. Finally, save your template in a commonly used file format or make it easily customizable with xTiles template.

  • What should I include in my resume?

    In your resume, you should include your name and contact information, a professional summary or objective statement, your work experience (with dates and job titles), your education and training, any relevant skills, and any notable achievements or accomplishments. Be sure to tailor your resume to the job you're applying for by highlighting skills and experience that match the job requirements, and keep it concise and easy to read. You can also include any relevant certifications, awards, or volunteer work.

  • How long should my resume be?

    The length of your resume should generally be 1-2 pages, depending on your level of experience and the requirements of the job you're applying for. If you have extensive experience or a long work history, you may need to go onto a second page, but try to keep it as concise and focused as possible. Avoid including irrelevant information or details that don't add value to your candidacy, and use bullet points and clear language to make your resume easy to skim and read quickly.

  • How do I make my resume stand out from others?

    To make your resume stand out from others, focus on showcasing your unique skills and experiences that make you a strong fit for the job you're applying for. Use strong action verbs and metrics to describe your accomplishments, and tailor your resume to highlight the specific requirements of the job.

  • What should I include in my education and work experience sections?

    In your education section, include the name and location of the institution, your degree or diploma, your major or field of study, and any relevant coursework, honors, or awards. In your work experience section, include your job title, the name and location of the company, dates of employment, and a list of your key responsibilities and accomplishments. Focus on quantifiable results and metrics, and use bullet points and clear language to make your experience easy to understand and follow.

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